July 3, 2012

"The Art of Manliness"

Dear Reader,

Today, I am going to take a crash course in the art of manliness. Mommy told me to repair the back door, and I intend to be as manly as possible as I do so. I'll take pictures, carry the camera to Home Depot, and ask for help. We'll both pause and fold our arms as we consider the best way to approach the task. I'll suggest something that sounds intelligent (but isn't) and the employee will come up with a better way. Nodding, I will stand there in the Home Depot, and bask in the glory of being a man with the smell of cut wood, industrial-grade chemicals, and galvanized nails filling the air. Truly, that moment will be wonderful. I hope that all may appreciate the simple glory of a man fixing a broken door. 

Unless my brother can't give me a ride to the store...In which case, I will eat 3 more bowls of Cheerios and take a nap. 


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