July 27, 2012

"Sore Feet and Life Lessons"

For the past two weeks I resided within the rusty barbed wire fences of Philmont Scout Ranch. I plan on spending the next few blogs recounting the situations conquered, the hardships endured, the lessons learned, and how manly it is to backpack 84 miles through the mountains.

It is a tale of courage, strength, sore feet, humor, and brotherhood.

I only hope I am able to put what was felt and seen into words, NM

July 12, 2012

"High Hopes and High Blood Pressure"

Dear Reader,

At this moment, my blood pressure is unhealthily high. I've been wandering the house trying to pass the time until I no longer have to wait. Pressure has been building for months now, and I am writing this at the climax. You may ask what is making me so nervous and impatient and so I will go ahead and tell you...

that I can't tell you...

and this is the hardest part. I'm not able to confide with the masses, and I can't really tell anyone until things are written in permanent sharpie marker.

But I can tell you this...If what I hope for comes to pass, things are going to change dramatically and quickly. And so I leave you in suspense. The same suspense that permeates my entire being at this very moment.

Or nothing could happen at all...which would be quite anticlimactic....

Updates to this story will come by the end of the day...Perhaps.

July 4, 2012

"Fireworks + Nick Merrill - Common Sense... "

Dear Reader,

I really enjoy blowing things up. To illustrate this, I'd like to take this time to tell you a little of my past firework follies and successes. Here goes.

When I go to the firework store, it is a little overwhelming. I look around and can't help but imagine the destructive possibilities. "Well, If I stuff three firecrackers inside a tank, and put that inside a soda box filled with sparklers..." etc. I have experimented extensively regarding the matter and I've only come up with one rule to restrict myself. Don't die.

With this in mind, I purchased my yearly fireworks and went home. Despite the fact that it was July 2nd, I was out there at 7pm with my firecrackers...and creative destruction ensued. I was putting firecrackers in potted plants, storm sewers, water bottles, light poles, mud, and mailboxes. I was putting firecrackers in my HAND, waiting until the last second, and then throwing them in the air. 

But those were just little firecrackers. I wanted a bigger bang for more buck, and so I pulled out the artillery shells. (Those are the big ones that explode high in the air once they're shot from a tube) I decided that putting them up in the air was lame, so I set two of them on the street. After tying their fuses together, I lit them and ran a little ways off onto the front part of the lawn. One of them exploded before the other, and I soon found myself in a dangerous situation...the other artillery shell still had its fuse burning, and it was headed straight towards my face. 

I think my body did some weird survival instinct thingy, and I leapt (no exaggeration) 13 feet. I had some onlooking friends, and they were also confused about how I accomplished that. I'm here to tell you that I didn't want an explosive in my face, so I got out of there. (Luckily, the murderous shell extinguished in the dew of the grass, and I was fine.)

This is just one year. I've been through countless other near-burn experiences...and I won't be putting down those firecrackers any time soon. 

Because they're flipping fun, NM

July 3, 2012

"The Art of Manliness"

Dear Reader,

Today, I am going to take a crash course in the art of manliness. Mommy told me to repair the back door, and I intend to be as manly as possible as I do so. I'll take pictures, carry the camera to Home Depot, and ask for help. We'll both pause and fold our arms as we consider the best way to approach the task. I'll suggest something that sounds intelligent (but isn't) and the employee will come up with a better way. Nodding, I will stand there in the Home Depot, and bask in the glory of being a man with the smell of cut wood, industrial-grade chemicals, and galvanized nails filling the air. Truly, that moment will be wonderful. I hope that all may appreciate the simple glory of a man fixing a broken door. 

Unless my brother can't give me a ride to the store...In which case, I will eat 3 more bowls of Cheerios and take a nap.