June 29, 2012

"No Russian? Whatever."

Здра́вствуйте Reader,

3 day ago, I decided to learn Russian. So far, I almost know the alphabet. I can say Hello, Hi, No, Yes, Not so bad, bad, and Good Morning. We'll see how this pans out, but if anything, I'll get a sick Russian accent. 

And that would be awesome, NM

June 27, 2012

"A Coldplay Concert"

Dear Reader,

Two nights ago I attended a Coldplay concert. I've been a die-hard Coldplay fan since 2008, and will be one until the end of time. That being said, you can imagine the insane excitement that permeated my being when my dad told me he had tickets back in December of '11. As the days wound down, my anticipation grew to astronomical heights. Then I had a half-second moment of doubt. "What if they're not as amazing as I hope they will be?" To make a beautifully wonderful description of the entire concert a little less long in length, it was MORE amazing than I imagined it would be. By the end, It hurt to smile, clap, and dance, because I had done so already with great passion. I'm just glad that I'm a fan of such a talented band.

It was awesome, NM

June 25, 2012

"Adversity and the Backyard"

Dear Reader,

 I began my day with the knowledge that I needed to cut the grass in our expansive backyard.  The twisting weeds and fiery sun dared me to face them. Responding to their jeers, I suited up with my blue jeans, work boots, hat, sunglasses, and put a handkerchief around my face in a dramatic, Wild-West-esque manner. Admittedly, I looked like a boss. But as I commenced my work, the sun and thick grass combatted against me with a fierceness that was nigh unbearable. Alas, I fought them both back with valor, strength, courage, a hat, and an old lawn mower. In the end, I came off conqueror and stood tall...(right before I ran inside, drank 5 water bottles, and napped.) 

This is my life, NM

"A Quick Introduction"

Hello Reader,
My name is Nicholas Merrill, and this blog will cover all of the insane things that life throws at me. I hope you will find my story entertaining, because I sure think it is.

Seriously, NM.